

Microstructures and Accuracy of Graph Recall by LLMs

Environment & Setup

Command Examples

Usage Summary

Interface for testing microstructures and accuracy of graph recall by LLMs [-h] [--seed SEED] [--cap CAP] [--model MODEL] [--app {fb,road,ppi,author,er}] [--dataset {fb,road,ppi,author,er,iw,is,rw,rs}] [--memclear MEMCLEAR]
                                                                                  [--pnet PNET] [--type TYPE] [--consensus CONSENSUS] [--sex SEX] [--permuted PERMUTED] [--max_tokens MAX_TOKENS] [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--repetition REPETITION]

Optinal Arguments

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --seed SEED           ramdom seed for networkx drawing, recommend 2 for irreducible, 3 for reducible
  --cap CAP             a sub-sample of the batched vignettes
  --model MODEL         gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, gemini-pro
  --app {fb,road,ppi,author,er}
                        application domains to study
  --dataset {fb,road,ppi,author,er,iw,is,rw,rs}
                        dataset to us
  --memclear MEMCLEAR   measure clear strength, measured in number of sets of 3-sentences
  --pnet PNET           whether to generate intermediate pnet files for ERGM estimation
  --type TYPE           irreducible weak, irreducible strong, reducible weak, reducible strong
  --consensus CONSENSUS
                        consensus level for filtering the network
  --sex SEX             0: none, 1: male, 2: female
  --permuted PERMUTED   whether to permute the edges in prompt (query)
  --max_tokens MAX_TOKENS
                        max_tokens per request
  --log_dir LOG_DIR     gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4
  --repetition REPETITION
                        how many times to repeat the same prompt for gemin