Electrical Substation extraction Challenge - IEEE-ICETCI 2021
Team Members: Aarsh Chaube, Ved Dubey, Naman Garg and Soumya Snigdha Kundu.
IOU scored achieved: 0.842381
Rank in competition: 3
IEEE-ICETCI 2021 is organizing a Virtual Competition in association with RRSC-Central, NRSC, ISRO, Nagpur on ‘Machine learning based feature extraction of Electrical Substations from Satellite data using Open-Source tools’, and will take place from 1 March to 30 July, 2021.
The task of this competition is to develop a Machine learning-based software using open source tools. Further extract Electrical Substations from high resolution satellite data, and submit a paper (PDF) describing the techniques employed in solving the problem.