

<p align="center" width="10%"> <img src="imgs/logo.png" style="width: 30%" align=center> </p>

MC-MoE: Mixture Compressor for Mixture-of-Experts LLMs Gains More

Wei Huang, Yue Liao, Jianhui Liu, Ruifei He, Haoru Tan, Shiming Zhang, Hongsheng Li, Si Liu and Xiaojuan Qi* (* corresponding author)



Extreme compression of Mixture-of-Experts Large Language Models. The current release supports:


conda create -n mcmoe python=3.10 -y
conda activate mcmoe
git clone https://github.com/Aaronhuang-778/MC-MoE
cd MC-MoE
pip install --upgrade pip 
pip install -r requirements.txt

For real quantization and deployment of compressed model, we utilize HQQ to dequant the MoE LLMs with 1/2/3-bits. We changed the storage and dequantization process of 1-bit weights in HQQ.

Please make sure you have a Pytorch 2 version that matches your CUDA version: https://pytorch.org/.

Experts Precision Zoo

We provide the solved bit-width for each expert of Mixtral 8$\times$7b in ./experts_mixture_bit_selection/. You can directly use our provided results or generate them by your self.


Quickly get the compressed model ./scripts/quant.sh. We have already provided all the needed middle results of Mixtral 8$\times$7b in this code.

# Replace the path with yours, for example:
python main.py ${Model_Path} --wbits 2bit --attn_bits 4bit --dataset wikitext2 --groupsize 128 --eval_ppl --mixed_type mixed --precisions ${Precision_Path} --pack --save --saving_path ${Saving_Path}

Efficient Inference with Pre-Loading MixedPrecision Quantization and Online Dynamic Pruning : This example shows the demo of 2.5bit Mixtral-8x7B model, the total static GPU memory consumption is around 16GB, and the running memory is around 19GB .

import os
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from inference import load_quantized_model
from expert_weight import  replace_with_dynamic_rank
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"

kwargs = {"device_map": 'auto',
          "torch_dtype": "torch.float16"}
######## Input your save_dir of quantized model########
save_dir = "/mnt/models/mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1-2.5bit"
model = load_quantized_model(save_dir, kwargs)

######### Choose if you want to use dynamic pruning or not ##########
args = None
model = replace_with_dynamic_rank(model, args, block_range=10)
######### Choose if you want to use dynamic pruning or not ##########

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(save_dir)
prompt = "You are a writer. Please write a short story about two llamas in a forest"

inputs = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors="pt")
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
inputs.input_ids = inputs.input_ids.to(device)

inputs.attention_mask = inputs.attention_mask.to(device)
# Generate
outputs = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, 


Detailed process of MC-MOE.

  1. First, we need to generate the expert factors for bit-width allocation in each MoE block:

    Download first part of the C4 training data c4-train.00000-of-01024.json from allenai/c4. Please save it at ./data and organize the datasets as follows:

|-- build.py
|-- c4-train.00000-of-01024.json
|-- dataset.py
|-- math_calib_construction.py
`-- math_pretrain_style.json

Run the ./scripts/factors.sh to generate the activated frequencies, activated weights and quantization loss of each experts.

# Please run this script in ./scripts/factors.sh

# Your local model path
python awareness.py ${Model_Path} --calibration c4

# for example:
python awareness.py ${Model_Path} --calibration c4

You can also change the --calibration data to math to make the calibration for specific knowledge and task. We have already provided the factors file from c4 data set, please check:

|-- experts_act_frequency.pkl
|-- experts_act_weight.pkl
|-- experts_quant_loss.pkl
  1. Second, we use the factors to solve the bit-width allocation problem through precision_solver.py (please generate the previous factor files before run the bit-width allocation code):
python precision_solver.py

This solver will save the optimal configurations of experts in each MoE block:

|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_12bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_13bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_14bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_15bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_16bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_17bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_18bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_19bit.pkl
|-- experts_mixture_bitwidth_combination_20bit.pkl

# 12 bit means the total bit-width of 8 experts in one MoE block, the average bit-width of experts is 12/8=1.5bit.
  1. Third, we can run the quantization code to compress the static parameters of MoE LLMs:

Run the ./scripts/quant.sh to quantize the MoE LLMs and test the perplexity results.

# Your local model path
# Expected experts precisions file
##### fake quantization to test the performance of MC-MoE #####
python main.py ${Model_Path} --wbits 2bit --attn_bits 4bit --dataset wikitext2 --groupsize 128 --eval_ppl --mixed_type mixed --precisions ${Precision_Path}

# for example:
python main.py ${Model_Path} --wbits 2bit --attn_bits 4bit --dataset wikitext2 --groupsize 128 --eval_ppl --mixed_type mixed --precisions ${Precision_Path}

add --pach and --save to save the real quantized model :

# Your local model path
# Your expected saving path
# Expected experts precisions file

##### real quantization and model pack for compact storage #####
python main.py ${Model_Path} --wbits 2bit --attn_bits 4bit --dataset wikitext2 --groupsize 128 --eval_ppl --mixed_type mixed --precisions ${Precision_Path} --pack --save --saving_path ${Saving_Path}

# for example:
python main.py ${Model_Path} --wbits 2bit --attn_bits 4bit --dataset wikitext2 --groupsize 128 --eval_ppl --mixed_type mixed --precisions ${Precision_Path} --pack --save --saving_path ${Saving_Path}

  1. Finally, you can load the quantized MoE LLMs and enable dynamic pruning inference with our provided inference demo:
python inference_demo.py

where you can also choose whether to enable dynamic pruning to improve inference efficiency (line 17~18):

from expert_weight import  replace_with_dynamic_rank
args = None
model = replace_with_dynamic_rank(model, args, block_range=10)

Detailed inference demo:

import os
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from inference import load_quantized_model
from expert_weight import  replace_with_dynamic_rank
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"

kwargs = {"device_map": 'auto',
          "torch_dtype": "torch.float16"}
######## Input your save_dir of quantized model########
save_dir = "/mnt/models/mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1-2.5bit"
model = load_quantized_model(save_dir, kwargs)

######### Choose if you want to use dynamic pruning or not ##########
args = None
model = replace_with_dynamic_rank(model, args, block_range=10)
######### Choose if you want to use dynamic pruning or not ##########

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(save_dir)
prompt = "You are a writer. Please write a short story about two llamas in a forest"

inputs = tokenizer(prompt_template, return_tensors="pt")
device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
inputs.input_ids = inputs.input_ids.to(device)

inputs.attention_mask = inputs.attention_mask.to(device)
# Generate
outputs = model.generate(inputs.input_ids, 




We use the EleutherAI LM Harness (commit 2a47159) framework to evaluate the performance of fake quantized MoE LLMs. The command we use for LM Harness evaluation is as follows:

# accelerate launch \
#     --num_processes=1 \
#     --ipex \
#     -m lm_eval --model hf \
#     --model_args pretrained=model_path,dtype=float16,parallelize=True \
#     --tasks piqa,boolq,arc_challenge,arc_easy,hellaswag,winogrande,mmlu,mathqa \
#     --batch_size 32 \

Related Project

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Half-Quadratic Quantization (HQQ)