


This is a dedicated repository for the User Interface (Front End) components of the Aardwolf Project :)

Ideally the interface being built here should be able to stand on its own. This allows developers to play around, and test out ideas without having to build the full rust project. Once the visual components have been vetted, they will of course need to be "backported" into the main repository which is here: Aardwolf-Social. <br />

One of the goals of the project overall is to keep it simple, and secure. That means trying to minimize the use of iFrames, JavaScript, and other scripting languages. Thankfully HTML5, and the primary element library Bulma.io are able to provide dynamic layouts using only HTML, and CSS. Additionally, icons provided by ForkAwesome (a FOSS alternative to that other popular icon library), is also free of JavaScript. <br />

Homepage Screenshot

<p align="center"> <img alt="Aardwolf Social: Powering connected social communities with open software" src="/design_notes/Home-Page-Demo.png" />

Directory Structure<br /> There are two primary directories for the app templates which houses the bulk of the HTML files, and web which is where the styling, and static assets go. Click here for a visual depitiction

<strong>UPDATE!</strong> Yew Framework There is now -also- a directory called aardwolf-yew-app. This is the root directory for the Yew Framework development.

File Naming Convention The current naming convention is: directoryname_description.html This is done to be able to find, and organize files quickly while troubleshooting. The current exception to this rule is the "miscellaneous" parts which go into /templates/elements. Even then those may have a better place elsewhere.

Developer Resources

InVision<br /> Wireframes have been posted to InVision, which can also be used for advanced prototyping:<br /> InVision - Aardwolf Wireframes

CodePen<br /> Banjo also has a CodePen account here: <br /> CodePen

Contact<br /> Here is a couple of ways to get in touch <br />