


<p align="center"> <a href="#"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Hack-The%20Planet-orange" alt="Hack the planet" height=24> </p> <h3 align="center"> I'm building a collection of awesome animations & resources for the <a href="https://flipperzero.one">Flipper Zero</a> device. </a> </h3> <table align="center"> <tr> <td> <h3 align="center"> 👋 New to Flipper Zero? <br> Check out the awesome <a href="https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero">page</a> by djsime1! Tons of resources there. </h3> </td> <td> <h3 align="center"> 🚫 Doing this for fun. Not affiliated with<br> <a href="https://www.flipperdevices.com/">Flipper Devices Inc.</a> </h3> </td> </tr> </table> <br>

In-House Animations by category

<b>These animations are made by me. They are free to dl, share and enjoy! <br> A big thank you to Talking Sasquach For sharing your knowledge with us all </b>

<br> <b>More animations are in the works!</b> <hr> <br>

👇Resources Section👇

<b>Below you can find links to some great flipper zero resources that have been put together by the great members of the F0 community! A big thank you to each of you in this awesome community. None of this would be possible if it weren't for you and your awesomeness!</b>


<details> <summary>Animation Resources</summary> </details>


<details> <summary>Sub-GHz Resources</summary> </details>


<details> <summary>NFC/RFID Resources</summary> </details>


<details> <summary>Infrared Resources</summary> </details>


<details> <summary>BadUSB Resources</summary> </details>
<br> <h3>I've learned what I have from the greats in this space. So for more of the AWESOMEST resources always check <a href="https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero">djsime1's page</a> Tons of F0 stuff there! <hr> <br> <p align="left"> <img src="https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=atomnft&label=Profile%20views&color=0e75b6&style=flat" alt="atomnft" /> </p> <p align="left"> <a href="https://twitter.com/a_t_o_m_nft" target="blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/a_t_o_m_nft?logo=twitter&style=for-the-badge" alt="a_t_o_m_nft" /></a> </p>