

CMSIS-Driver Validation

Test suite for verifying that a peripheral driver implementation is compliant with the corresponding CMSIS-Driver Specification.


The branch main of this repository contains the code of CMSIS-Driver Validation Suite. User documentation explains the scope and the usage of the framework.

See verified releases of CMSIS-Driver Validation suite in source code archives and in CMSIS-Pack (.pack) format as download assets.

Feel free to raise an issue on GitHub to report a misbehavior (i.e. bugs), start discussions about enhancements or create a pull request with suggested modifications.

Supported Driver Interfaces

The CMSIS-Driver Validation provides tests for the following CMSIS-Driver interfaces:

Extensive tests with available test servers:

Basic tests:

Repository Structure

BoardsDriver Validation examples for various boards
ConfigConfiguration files for the Driver Validation framework
DocumentationPlaceholder for the offline documentation in the pack
DoxyGenSource of the documentation
IncludeHeader files for Driver Validation components
ScriptsScript files for XML reports
SourceSource files for Driver Validation components
ToolsVarious Server implementations for extensive testing
ARM.CMSIS-Driver_Validation.pdscOpen-CMSIS-Pack description file
gen_pack.shOpen-CMSIS-Pack generation script
LICENSE.txtLicense text for the repository content


Folder Boards contains example projects that show how to use the CMSIS-Driver Validation on a real hardware with available CMSIS-Driver implementations.The examples are also included in CMSIS-Driver Validation Software Pack. Details are explained in Examples documentation.

Build CMSIS-Driver Validation as Open-CMSIS-Pack

A generator script gen_pack.sh is provided for building the CMSIS-Driver Validation as Open-CMSIS-Pack using the gen-pack library. Simply follow the steps below:


Arm CMSIS-Driver Validation is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.

Useful resources

CMSISCMSIS GitHub repository
CMSIS-Driver SpecificationSpecification of CMSIS-Driver API
CMSIS-DriverReference CMSIS-Driver implementations for external peripheral devices
Open-CMSIS-PackOverview of the Open-CMSIS-Pack project