



A replica of the dead software glass8, also known as the upstream project of DWMBlurGlass.

[!NOTE] This project currently maintains two branches

I don't have that much time to maintain both branches at the same time, so they may rarely get updated, but feel free to submit PRs.

This branch works for Windows 10 1809 to Windows 11 23H2.

Some simple tests show that at lower blur radius this branch performs slightly worse than glass8, but at higher blur radius the performance will be a bit better. For some applications where DwmEnableBlurBehind and DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea are used in combination, this branch performs almost twice as well as glass8.

This software is intended for advanced users only. If you are a beginner and you do not have deeper knowledge of Windows (such as registry editing etc.) you should not install this software.
For the average users, you should consider using DWMBlurGlass.

OpenGlass does NOT support and is NOT intended to support Windows Insider Preview, so if you want to use it in these Windows versions please do it at your own risk.

How to use this software

  1. Extract the files from the Release page to C:\, but please don't put them in C:\Users\*, otherwise OpenGlass won't work properly.
  2. Run install.bat as administrator, this will create a scheduled task for you to run the OpenGlass helper process on boot, which will monitor and automatically inject its component into Dwm.
  3. Run startup.bat as administrator, this will run the helper process manually.
  4. When you use it for the first time or just after updating your system, OpenGlass will try to download the symbol files and you will see its download progress bar in the taskbar, but please don't close it and be patient for about 15s. When the symbol files are ready, enjoy!
  5. When you want to stop using OpenGlass or update the version of OpenGlass, running shutdown.bat will remove the effects of OpenGlass for you and exit the helper process. At this time, you can either replace the OpenGlass files or continue to run uninstall.bat and manually delete the remaining files to complete the uninstallation.
  6. When you experience a crash, OpenGlass is supposed to generate a large memory dump file in the dumps directory of the folder where it is located, please submit it to the developer if possible, this can help fix known or potential issues.

Documentation (Migrate from glass8 to OpenGlass)

The following table demonstrates the similarities and differences between these two software.


  1. Most of the OpenGlass settings are stored in the HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM, but some registry items are stored only in HKLM and will remain constant at runtime.
  2. All external resources referenced by OpenGlass must ensure that it can be accessed by DWM, so paths like C:\Users\* are invalid.
  3. Normally, OpenGlass uses the udwm internal API to get the calculated color instead of reading the registry directly to get the color.
EnableLoggingDWORD0x0 = disables logging to debug.log (default) / 0x1 = enables verbose logging / logging of donation key messages and fatal errors is always enabledNot implemented
MaxDeviceFeatureLevelDWORDDescribes the set of features targeted by a Direct3D device.Not supported
DisableGlassOnBatteryDWORD0x1 = When your AC power is unplugged and computer is running on the battery then the blur effect will be disabled to decrease power consumption (default) / 0x0 = blur effect won't be disabled on battery0x01 = When your battery saver is activated then the effect will be disabled to decrease power consumption / 0x0 = blur effect won't be disabled when battery saver is activatedThe default value is 1 instead of 0
DisabledHooksDWORDUndocumented0x01 = Disable the hooks of CaptionTextHandler.cpp to enable compatibility with third-party modsThis registry item is stored only in HKLM
ForceD3DModeDWORDUndocumentedNot supported
GeometryCommandDWORDUndocumentedNot supported
GlassOpacityDWORDThe amount of the opacity of the windows frames (0-100%).OK
ColorizationBlurBalance/ColorizationBlurBalanceInactiveDWORDNot supported
ColorizationColorCaptionDWORDColor used for drawing window titles. Format is 0xBBGGRR.OK
BlurDeviationDWORDStandard deviation for Gaussian blur, default = 30 (which means σ = 3.0). Value 0 results in non-blurred transparency.OK
RoundRectRadiusDWORDThe radius of glass geometry, Win8 = 0, Win7 = 12OK
ColorizationGlassReflectionIntensityDWORDThe intensity of reflection effect (0-100%). The default value is 0%.OK
DWORDNot supportedColorizationGlassReflectionParallaxIntensityThe parallax intensity of the refection effect (0-100%). The default value is 10%.
CustomThemeReflectionStringpath to PNG file which will be used as overlay image to simulate reflection (Aero stripes) effectIf the value does not exist, it will use the resource's bitmap.OK
CustomThemeMaterialStringUndocumentedOnly works for GlassType=Acrylic
MaterialOpacityDWORDUndocumentedOnly works for GlassType=Acrylic
CustomThemeAtlasStringpath to PNG file with theme resource (bitmap must have exactly the same layout as msstyle theme you are using!)CustomThemeMsstylepath to msstyle file. It may cause crashes and lag in rare cases.CustomThemeAtlas is not supported, use CustomThemeMsstyle instead
DWORDNot supportedCustomThemeMsstyleUseDefaultsColor scheme uses the result from GetThemeDefaults
TextGlowModeDWORDSpecifies how window caption glow effect will be rendered. 0x0=No glow effect. 0x1=Glow effect loaded from atlas (default). 0x2=Glow effect loaded from atlas and theme opacity is respected. 0x3=Composited glow effect using your theme settings. HIWORD of the value specifies glow size (0 = theme default).TextGlowSizeThe value specifies glow size. The default value is 15.TextGlowMode is deprecated, use TextGlowSize instead
EnableBlurBlendDWORDControls how the blurred background and frame colour are composited together (0x0 = default).Not supported
ForceSystemMetricsDWORDUndocumentedNot implemented
GlassSafetyZoneModeDWORDUndocumentedNot supported
DWORDNot supportedGlassLuminosityThe luminosity of Acrylic/Mica effect
DWORDNot supportedGlassTypeThe type of backdrop effect (0x0-0x4). 0x0=Blur. 0x01=Aero. 0x02=Acrylic. 0x03=Mica. 0x04=Solid.
DWORDNot supportedGlassOverrideBorderSpecifies that the effect should extend to the border. The default value is 0.Disabling this option can significantly improve performance
DWORDNot supportedGlassCrossFadeTimeThe cross fade time for backdrop switching. The default value is 87.
DWORDNot supportedGlassOverrideAccentOverriding accent with the effect of OpenGlass. The default value is 0.
DWORDNot supportedGlassAdditionalPreScaleAmountAdditional prescaling factor for backdrop input image, the smaller the value the more significant the performance improvement, the lower the quality of the glass. The default value is 90% for Windows 10 but 95% for Windows 11.
DWORDNot supportedForceAccentColorizationWhen this option is on, OpenGlass will always uses the colors from AccentColor and AccentColorInactive, which will ignore all the system settings related to color.You can turn it on when there exists third-party softwares that break the auto-coloring.
DWORDNot supportedGlassCrossFadeEasingFunctionThe easing function for cross fade animation. 0x0=Linear. 0x1=CubicBezier. The Default value is 0.
DWORDNot supportedColorizationColorBalanceOverrideOverride the value of ColorizationColorBalance.
DWORDNot supportedColorizationAfterglowBalanceOverrideOverride the value of ColorizationAfterglowBalance.

Check out the code to discover more details!

How to reload the configuration

OpenGlass does not provide any GUI nor commands to explicitly reload the configuration, you may consider using glass8's heritage AeroGlassGUI.exe to refresh some of the settings.
However, it's actually quite easy to do so in C/C++.

PostMessage(FindWindow(TEXT("Dwm"), nullptr), WM_THEMECHANGED, 0, 0);            // refresh part of the settings related to theme
PostMessage(FindWindow(TEXT("Dwm"), nullptr), WM_DWMCOLORIZATIONCHANGED, 0, 0);  // refresh part of the settings related to color/backdrop

About compatibility

Dependencies and References

Banner for OpenGlass

Provided by @aubymori
Wallpaper: metalheart jawn #2 by @kfh83

Microsoft Research Detours Package

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Interop Compositor

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Win2D sucks!


The predecessor of this project.

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