


This is an implementation of the basic functionalities of a DSSN Provider:

It is written in PHP and utilizes the Zend Framework and the Erfurt Framework


You need a webserver (tested with Apache, but I hope it also runs with nginx and lighttd) and a database backend which is supported by Erfurt (MySQL and Virtuoso).


Run git submodules init and git submodules update to clone Erfurt.

Take one of the prepared config.ini-* files in xodx/libraries/Erfurt/library/Erfurt, copy it to config.ini and configure it according to your system setup.


You have to place a copy of the Zend framework library into libraries/Zend/ you can do this by doing the following things (replace ${ZENDVERSION} e.g. with 1.12.0):

wget http://packages.zendframework.com/releases/ZendFramework-${ZENDVERSION}/ZendFramework-${ZENDVERSION}-minimal.tar.gz
tar xzf ZendFramework-${ZENDVERSION}-minimal.tar.gz
mv ZendFramework-${ZENDVERSION}-minimal/library/Zend libraries
rm -rf ZendFramework-${ZENDVERSION}-minimal.tar.gz ZendFramework-${ZENDVERSION}-minimal


You have to add twitter bootstrap and jquery to the resources directory.

Code Conventions

Currently, this project is developed using OntoWiki's coding standard.