


AutoSPARQL TBSL is a graphical user interface, which allows to answer natural language queries over RDF knowledge bases. It is based on algorithms implemented in the DL-Learner Semantic Web machine learning framework.



AutoSPARQL TBSL is a research prototype that is not actively developed anymore. As such, getting it to work may need some effort and depends on the availability of several other online services. Feel free to create issues if you encounter problems and please share your fixes using pull requests.

Installation and Execution

  1. clone the git repository
  2. run ./compile and then ./run (Linux, Mac) or compile.bat and then run.bat (Windows)

Then, go into your browser and access http://localhost:8080 and click on the link to the application.

Error Reporting

If you encounter errors, please look at the issues if the problem is already reported. If not, please create a single issue including the command line output. If the error occurs during compilation, please use ./createcompillelog instead of ./compile to create the compile log. Feel free to create issues if you encounter problems and please share your fixes using pull requests.

Adding your own Dataset

Using your own datasource instead of DBpedia or Oxford is nontrivial. It needs several days of work in addition to the time needed to familiarize yourself with the code base.

You need to:

  1. as a local model to algorithm-tbsl/src/main/resources/models/yourmodel (preferred for small knowledge bases as it is much faster and more reliable)
  2. as a SPARQL (version 1.0 is enough) endpoint along with a SOLR server instance

Modules and Packages

Maven ModulePackagePurpose
autosparql-parent-Parent Module
autosparql-tbslorg.aksw.autosparql.tbsl.gui.vaadinWeb Interface