

SecretGen: Privacy Recovery on Pre-trained Models via Distribution Discrimination


Python 3.8 or higher PyTorch 1.8 or higher

$ pip install requirements.txt

Performing Attack

stage1.py: Train the generation backbone on public data.

$ python stage1.py --name <taret_model_arch> --mask <type_of_mask>

Set bb to True if it's blackbox case, which will use a public model instead of the target model for diversity loss.

stage2.py: Perform attack.

$ python stage2.py --name <taret_model_arch> --mask <type_of_mask> --target <method>

For the target parameter:

Set save to True if you want to run evaluation protocol 2, which requires a completely recovered dataset.

Pre-trained Checkpoints

We release the checkpoints for our VGG16 target model and the corresponding generation backbones at this link:
