

Pair Up Build Status

by Andre Helberg (@A_Helberg)


Pair Up allows two developers to be jointly credited when Pair Programming and using Git.

Example of Pair Up in action


Why use Pair Up instead of other tools?:

Pair Up is based off the solid work of Hitch. Its main differentiating factor is that it picks one developer to be the author, and another to be the committer. Similar solutions create a dummy email account of all devs, which could potentially be more than two. Pair Up only allows two devs. One will be the author (usually the person that is driving) and the other is the committer. No extra email accounts or gravatar setups are required.

Installation & Usage:

Install the gem and add the setup to the end of your zshrc or bashrc file

$ gem install pair-up 
$ pair --setup >> ~/.zshrc

Restart your terminal.

To pair with someone replace the following names with your github names

$ pair A-Helberg aleciafb

Now just commit as you usually would. If you use a gui application on OSX, remember to restart it when you setup a new pair or switch pairs for it to take effect. The first username will be used as the author and the second username as the committer.

To switch the pairs around run:

$ pair --switch

Don't forget to unpair when you are done:

$ pair -u

For some help and a complete list of features:

$ pair -h


gem install pair-up
pair --setup 





Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.