


Bridge between Matrix and Nostr communication protocols.

If you like the idea, give it a Github star :star: right away!



flowchart BT
  subgraph Nostr-to-Matrix
  direction BT
  E((Nostr-network)) -- some Nostr note --> F(nostr-commander with --listen) -- via pipe --> G(matrix-commander with --message) -- some Matrix message --> H((Matrix-network))
  subgraph Matrix-to-Nostr
  direction TB
  A((Matrix-network)) -- some Matrix message --> B(matrix-commander with --listen) -- via pipe --> C(nostr-commander with --publish) -- some Nostr note --> D((Nostr-network))

Or most likely you would want to filter and customize the messages. You can do this by putting a process in the middle that reads from stdin and writes to stdout. Input gets piped into the custom process which processes input line-by-line and generates its streamed output on stdout.

flowchart BT
  subgraph Nostr-to-Matrix
  direction BT
  E((Nostr-network)) -- some Nostr note --> F(nostr-commander with --listen) -- via pipe --> I{filter and customize} -- via pipe --> G(matrix-commander with --message) -- some Matrix message --> H((Matrix-network))
  subgraph Matrix-to-Nostr
  direction TB
  A((Matrix-network)) -- some Matrix message --> B(matrix-commander with --listen) -- via pipe --> J{filter and customize} -- via pipe --> C(nostr-commander with --publish) -- some Nostr note --> D((Nostr-network))

Running It

After having done the initial matrix-commander configuration like --login and --verify, and having done the initial nostr-commander configuration like --create-user, --subscribe-author, --subscribe-pubkey, etc., the simplest set-up to get data from Matrix to Nostr is:

matrix-commander --listen forever --output text ... other options | nostr-commander --publish '_' ... other options

Vice versa in the other direction:

nostr-commander --listen --output text ... other options | matrix-commander --message '_' ... other options

And if you have a filter-and-customize process, then this turns into:

matrix-commander --listen forever --output json ... other options | filter-and-customize | nostr-commander --publish '_' ... other options


nostr-commander --listen --output json ... other options | filter-and-customize | matrix-commander --message '_' ... other options


This tool is more geared towards tinkerers. The basic functionality and feature set for a Proof-of-concept bridge or a bridge for family-and-friends is there. If you need more feature, please contribute the corresponding code to the corresponding matrix-commander and nostr-commander repos. :clap: