

Idealingua Example


  1. To set up new izumi version, change recompile-scala.sh and recompile-ts.sh where version is defined like IZUMI_VERSION="0.X.X-SNAPSHOT"

  2. Please install coursier via brew https://get-coursier.io/docs/cli-overview.html#brew

  3. install yarn, tsc, npm

  4. If you are using Intellij, please add syntax highligher for .izumi files: https://github.com/ratoshniuk/jetbrains-izumi-idl-syntax


  1. IDL Syntax overview

  2. Launching Server and clients

  3. Executing tests for idl-based client and services invocation

  4. Authorization middleware designing overview

  5. Describing 2FA Module

Language Support Matrix

At the moment we support following languages:

Language / PlatformServerClient
Scala / JVMYes (example)Yes
TypeScript / Node.jsYesYes (example)
Go / NativeYesYes
C# / .NETYesYes

Some of them already have sample Pet Store implementations. Others are coming!

If you want your language to be supported, just submit a Pull Request to our github repository