

<div align="center"> <h1>fet.sh</h1> a fetch written in POSIX shell with no external commands <br> <img src="screenshot.png" width="250px"> </div>


Arch: fet.sh-git (AUR)
Gentoo: app-misc/fetsh (GURU overlay)
KISS: fetsh (Community)
Nix: fet-sh (nixpkgs-unstable)
Alternatively, copy fet.sh to somewhere in $PATH and mark it as executable (chmod +x fet.sh)


fet.sh has a few basic configuration options using environment variables, for example:

$ info='n os wm sh n' fet.sh

Supported options are:

For less trivial configuration I recommend editing the script, I tried to keep it simple.

Known Issues

MacOS, BSD, and Android don't show much info.