

Tiny Schema Validator

JSON schema validator with excellent type inference for JavaScript and TypeScript.

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npm install tiny-schema-validator
# or
yarn add tiny-schema-validator


Creating a schema

import { createSchema, _ } from 'tiny-schema-validator';

export const User = createSchema({
  metadata: _.record({
    date_created: _.number(),
    id: _.string(),
  profile: _.record({
    name: _.string({
      maxLength: [100, 'too-long'],
      minLength: [2, 'too-short'],
    age: _.number({
      max: [150, 'too-old'],
      min: [13, 'too-young'],
    email: _.string({
      pattern: [/^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$/, 'invalid-email'],
  payment_status: _.union(

and in TypeScript, everything is the same, but to get the data type inferred from the schema, you can do this:

  UserType {
    metadata: {
      date_created: number;
      id: string;
    profile: {
      name: string;
      age: number;
      email: string;
    payment_status: 'pending' | 'failed' | 'success' | 'canceled';
export type UserType = ReturnType<typeof User.produce>;

Using the schema

When you create a schema, you will get a nice API to handle multiple use-cases in the client and the server.

example usage:

const Person = createSchema({
  name: _.string(),
  age: _.number(),
  email: _.string(),

const john = { name: 'john', age: 42, email: 'john@gmail.com' };
Person.is({}); // false
Person.is(john); // true

Person.validate({}); // { name: 'invalid-type', age: 'invalid-type', email: 'invalid-type' }
Person.validate(john); // null

try {
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e instanceof TypeError); // true
  console.log(e.message); // "invalid-data"

// embedding the person schema
const GroupOfPeople = createSchema({
  // ...
  people: _.listof(Person.embed()),
  // ...


All validators are required by default. All validators are accessible with the _ (underscore) namespace; The reason for using _ instead of a good name like validators is developer experience, and you can alias it to whatever you want.

import { _ as validators } from 'tiny-schema-validator';

Example of all validators and corresponding Typescript types:

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
import { _ } from 'tiny-schema-validator';

// NOTE: when you call a validator you just create an object 
// containing { type: '<type of validator>', ...options }
// this is just a shorthand for that.

// simple validators.
_.string(); // string
_.number(); // number
_.boolean(); // boolean
_.constant(42); // 42

// complex validators (types that accepts other types as paramater)
  _.record({ id: _.string() }),
); // { id: string; } | 1 | 2 | 3

]); // [number, number]
  timestamp: _.number(),
  id: _.string(),
}); // { timestamp: number; id: string; }

_.listof(_.string()); // string[]
_.recordof(_.string()); // Record<string, string>

Check out the full validators API below:

constantconstant(value)value: string | number | boolean
stringstring(options?)options (optional): Object
- optional : boolean defaults to false
- maxLength: [length: number, error: string]
- minLength: [length: number, error: string]
- pattern : [pattern: RegExp, error: string]
numbernumber(options?)options(optional): Object
- optional: boolean default to false
- min: [number, error: string]
- max: [number, error: string]
- is : ['integer' | 'float', error: string] default is both
booleanboolean(options?)options(optional): Object
- optional: boolean default to false
unionunion(...validators)validators: Array of validators as paramaters
listlist(validators[], options?)validators: Array of validators
options(optional): Object
- optional: boolean default to false
listoflistof(validator, options?)validator: Validator
options(optional): Object
- optional: boolean default to false
recordrecord(shape, options?)shape: Object { [key: string]: Validator }
options(optional): Object
- optional: boolean default to false
recordofrecordof(validator, options?)validator: Validator
options(optional): Object
- optional: boolean default to false

Custom validators

To create custom validators that do not break type inference:

Example of creating custom validators:

const alphaNumeric = (() => {
  const config = {
    pattern: [/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, 'only-letters-and-number'],
  return {
    required: additional => _.string({ ...additional, ...config, optional: false }), // inferred as Required
    optional: additional => _.string({ ...additional, ...config, optional: true }), // inferred as Optional

const Person = createSchema({
  // ...
  username: alphaNumeric.required({ maxLength: [20, 'username-too-long'] }),
  // ...

Built-in Errors

// when typeof value does not match the validator infered type
const TYPEERR = 'invalid-type';

// when "schema" in createSchema(schema) is not plain object
const SCHEMAERR = 'invalid-schema';

// when produce(data) and "data" failed to match the schema
// always accompanied be TypeError, so make sure to catch it
const DATAERR = 'invalid-data';

// when an unknown key is found in data while using record | list
// and any keys that exists on data and not present in the schema
const UNKOWN_KEY_ERR = 'unknown-key';


_.recordof(_.string({ optional: true /* THIS IS IGNORED */ }));
_.list([_.number({ optional: true /* THIS IS IGNORED */ }), _.number()]);
const list = createSchema({ list: _.listof(_.string()) });
list.validate({ list: ['string', 42, 'string'] }); // { list: { 1: 'invalid-type' } }

Recursive types

Currently, there's no easy way to create recursive types. if you think you could help, PRs are welcome

Errors while wrapping schemas

if you try to wrap your schema, you will encounter this error (Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite) to fix it, you should unwrap your schema and re-create it inside your abstraction. let's take the following example:

const User = createSchema({
  name: _.string(),
  age: _.number(),

// your abstraction
function schemaWrapper<T>(schema: T) {

const wrappedUser = schemaWrapper(User); // ERROR: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite

The fix:

import { Schema, R, RecordOptions } from 'tiny-schema-validator';
optionally, to infer data from the embedded schema, you do DataFrom<T>

import { DataFrom } from 'tiny-schema-validator/dist/type-utils';

// extract schema with Schema.embed()
function schemaWrapper<T extends Schema>(schema: R<RecordOptions<T>>) {
  const newSchema = createSchema(schema.shape); // you can add/remove/modify passed schema here
  // ...

const wrappedUser = schemaWrapper(User.embed()); // all good no errors