This repository is for 2D Noisy-labeled Medical Image Segmentation with Confident Learning introduced by the following paper
Minqing Zhang, Jiantao Gao, Zhen Lyu, Weibing Zhao, Qin Wang, Weizhen Ding, Sheng Wang, Zhen Li* and Shuguang Cui, "Characterizing Label Errors: Confident Learning for Noisy-labeled Image Segmentation", MICCAI 2020. Paper
Please consider citing this paper if it offered help in your work.
Zhang M, Gao J, Lyu Z, et al. Characterizing Label Errors: Confident Learning for Noisy-Labeled Image Segmentation[C]//International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer, Cham, 2020: 721-730.
All of the experiments reported in the paper were conducted under the following configuration. Other configurations might not be guaranteed feasible. <br>
Ubuntu 16.04.5 <br> CUDA 10.0.130 <br> Pytorch 1.2.0 <br>
This project comprises of 10 folders and 2 scripts, and each of which is going to be described in the following <br> <br> /common : general interfaces like model saving <br> /config : configurations related to training models <br> /dataset : dataset implement according to pytorch <br> /jsrt_data : the original JSRT chest X-ray image dataset utilized to conduct our experiments <br> /logger : code involved with training logging <br> /loss : loss functions <br> /metrics : metrics like dice-coefficient <br> /models : saving models <br> /net : network architectures <br> /utils : scripts involved with synthesizing noisy-labeled datasets and generating confident maps <br> : segmentation model training <br> : testing a model <br>
- synthesizing a noisy-labeled dataset with the script utils/ (three variables: alpha, class_name and beta need to be specified, refering to our paper for more implementation details) <br>
- preparing for teacher model training by specified settings in config/ <br>
- training teacher models with the script <br>
- characterizing label errors with the script utils/ <br>
- preparing for student model training by specified settings in config/ <br>
- training a student model with the script <br>
- testing the student model with the script <br>