

ScanTailor Advanced

The ScanTailor version that merges the features of the ScanTailor Featured and ScanTailor Enhanced versions, brings new ones and fixes.



ScanTailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It performs operations such as:

You give it raw scans, and you get pages ready to be printed or assembled into a PDF or DjVu file. Scanning, optical character recognition, and assembling multi-page documents are out of scope of this project.


ScanTailor Enhanced

ScanTailor Featured

Note: Other features of this version, such as Export, Dont_Equalize_Illumination_Pic_Zones, Original_Foreground_Mixed has't been moved due to dirty realization. Their functionality is fully covered by full control over settings on output and splitting output features.

ScanTailor Universal

<a name="scantailor-advanced-features"></a> ScanTailor Advanced


Go to this repository and follow the instructions given there.