

VSC Github Trending

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Explore Github Trending repositories directly from Visual Studio Code. Extension is based on React, Material-UI, Trending API and VSCode Webview API.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/4gray/vsc-github-trending/master/screenshot.png" title="VSC Github Trending" />


Just press Ctrl+P or Cmd+P and type:

> GT: Open Github Trending


Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.

ext install 4gray.vsc-github-trending

Extension is available on VS Code Marketplace

Usage and configuration

Use vsc-github-trending.languages option to set list of preferred languages which should be displayed in the extension, e.g.:

"vsc-github-trending.languages": [

Note: See list of all supported languages (use urlParam for configuration)

Selected language and time interval could also be configured, e.g.:

"vsc-github-trending.selectedInterval": "daily",
"vsc-github-trending.selectedLanguage": "javascript",

Source Code

Source code of this extension is available on <a href="https://github.com/4gray/vsc-github-trending">Github</a>.
