


⚙ My configuration files and personal preferences

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🎨 Features


aqua is declarative CLI Version manager written in Go. Support Lazy Install, Registry, and continuous update with Renovate. CLI version is switched seamlessly.

The configuration files are here.

Packages in my registry are sometimes removed without notice when standard registry includes it.


The configuration files are here.

Vim / Neovim

The configuration files are here.


The configuration files are here.

✨ Installation

Quick Start

You only have to fetch setup script from following URL. -L option is needed to follow redirect.

sh -c "$(curl -sSL https://4513echo.dev/dot)"

Manually install

git clone --filter=blob:none https://github.com/4513ECHO/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
make install

📦 Requirements

Other executable binaries or plugins will be installed automatically by aqua.

Latest versions are recommended.

Vim must be v9.0.1000 or later and compiled with +lua.

Neovim must be v0.10.0 or later.

For both of Vim and Neovim, HEAD is recommended.

💞 Acknowledgements

My dotfiles are heavy inspired by these dotfiles and other many articles on the Internet. Thanks a lot!

📊 Statistics


Statistics are updated at 204c7da, generated by this script.

Code Lengths

It uses tokei to measure.

 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 BASH                   18          287          193           44           50
 INI                     1            2            2            0            0
 JSON                   15         1016         1016            0            0
 Lua                     6          508          401           66           41
 Makefile                1           67           57            0           10
 Markdown                2          149            0          104           45
 Python                  1           33           22            3            8
 Scheme                  4          104           95            6            3
 Shell                  11          256          203           31           22
 Plain Text              3          201            0          154           47
 TOML                   13         2468         2146           47          275
 TypeScript              9          788          728            8           52
 Vim script             24         1563         1432           44           87
 YAML                   11          745          606           90           49
 Zsh                     6          525          402           83           40
 Total                 125         8712         7303          680          729

Vim Plugins

colorscheme.toml      61
ddc.toml              24
ddu.toml              31
ftplugin.toml         15
init.toml             13
neovim.toml           11
plugin.toml           47
textobj.toml          12
unused.toml           18
vim.toml              12
total(vim)           215
total(neovim)        214