

Welcome to EDGE!

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EDGE is an advanced OpenGL source port spawned from the DOOM engine, with focus on easy development and expansion for modders and end-users.

(C) 1999-2022 The EDGE Team & Contributors

Uses GPL-licensed technology from id Tech 1-4 (C) 1997-2011 id Software, LLC
DOSDoom originally developed by Chi Hoang and the DOSDoom Team, (C) 1997-1999
Visit our sister port which derives from an earlier branch of EDGE, called Edge-Classic. (C) The Edge-Classic Team, 2021-2022

Licensed under the GPLv2 (or greater)


See our EDGE Wiki (http://3dfxdev.net/edgewiki/index.php/Main_Page)


Development Builds

Occasionally we will package and upload builds for Windows and Linux. You can get these builds via DRDTeam.

Build System for EDGE

To build EDGE, please see the build guides and choose based on your platform and compiler. Some of this information may be out of date; feel free to open up a Github Issue for assistance.


For the list of libraries required by EDGE, please see the following document: docs/tech/libraries.txt.

You can also obtain the pre-compiled libraries by looking in the build_guide, depending on what compiler you are planning to use.

The EDGE Team

Team and Contributors

EDGE has and will continue to exist thanks to all the people who contribute.

<a href="https://github.com/3dfxdev/EDGE/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=3dfxdev/EDGE" /> </a>

Development History

Read the historical timeline of EDGE at The Doom Wiki.


(C) 1999 - 2022 Isotope SoftWorks and Contributors (The EDGE Team). All Rights Reserved.