


(Get it from Godot Asset Library - https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1010)

A Godot plugin to interact with the Discord Bot API. Make Discord Bots in Godot!

100% GDScript

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This is a regular plugin for Godot. Copy the contents of addons/discord_gd into the addons/ folder in the same directory as your project, and activate it in your project settings.

The plugin now comes with no extra assets to stay lightweight. If you want to try an example scene, you can see the examples from: Discord.gd Examples

For in-depth installation instructions check the Installation Wiki

Note: You will need a valid Discord Bot token available at Discord Applications

Getting Started

  1. After activating the plugin. There will be a new DiscordBot node added to Godot. Click on any node in the scene tree of your scene for example Root and add the DiscordBot node as a child.

  2. Connect the various signals (bot_ready, guild_create, message_create, message_delete, etc) of the DiscordBot node to the parent node, either through the editor or in the script using the connect() method.

  3. Attach a script to the Root node.

extends Node2D

func _ready():
	var discord_bot = $DiscordBot
	discord_bot.TOKEN = "your_bot_token_here"
	discord_bot.connect("bot_ready", self, "_on_DiscordBot_bot_ready")

func _on_DiscordBot_bot_ready(bot: DiscordBot):
	print('Logged in as ' + bot.user.username + '#' + bot.user.discriminator)
	print('Listening on ' + str(bot.channels.size()) + ' channels and ' + str(bot.guilds.size()) + ' guilds.')



This plugin is a non-profit project developped by voluntary contributors.


- YaBoyTwiz#6733

Support the project development

<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/3ddelano" target="_blank"><img height="41" width="174" src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-red.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" width="150" ></a>

Want to support in other ways? Contact me on Discord: @3ddelano#6033

For doubts / help / bugs / problems / suggestions do join: 3ddelano Cafe