

<p align="center"> <picture> <img alt="logo" src="assets/threefiner_icon.png" width="20%"> </picture> </br> <b>Threefiner</b> </p>

An interface for text-guided mesh refinement.




We rely on torch and several CUDA extensions, please make sure you install them correctly first!

# tiny-cuda-nn
pip install git+https://github.com/NVlabs/tiny-cuda-nn/#subdirectory=bindings/torch

# nvdiffrast
pip install git+https://github.com/NVlabs/nvdiffrast

# [optional, will use pysdf if unavailable] cubvh:
pip install git+https://github.com/ashawkey/cubvh

To use Deepfloyd-IF models, please log in to your huggingface and accept the license.

To install this package:

# install from pypi
pip install threefiner

# install from github
pip install git+https://github.com/3DTopia/threefiner

# local install
git clone https://github.com/3DTopia/threefiner
cd threefiner
pip install .


### command line interface
threefiner --help
# this is short for
python -m threefiner.cli --help

### refine a coarse mesh ('input.obj') using Stable-diffusion and save to 'logs/hamburger.glb'
threefiner sd --mesh input.obj --prompt 'a hamburger' --outdir logs --save hamburger.glb

### if the initial texture is good, we recommend using IF2 for refinement.
# by default, it will save to './name_fine.glb'
threefiner if2 --mesh name.glb --prompt 'description'

### if the initial texture is not good, we recommend using SD or IF first.
threefiner sd --mesh name.glb --prompt 'description'
threefiner if --mesh name.glb --prompt 'description'

### if the initial geometry is good, you can fix the geometry.
threefiner sd_fixgeo --mesh name.glb --prompt 'description'
threefiner if_fixgeo --mesh name.glb --prompt 'description'
threefiner if2_fixgeo --mesh name.glb --prompt 'description'

### advanced
# directional text prompt (append front/side/back view in text prompt)
# you need to know the mesh's front facing direction and specify it by '--front_dir'
# we use the OpenGL coordinate system, i.e., +x is right, +y is up, +z is front (more details: https://kit.kiui.moe/camera/)
# clock-wise rotation can be specified per 90 degree, e.g., +z1, -y2
threefiner if2 --mesh input.glb --prompt 'description' --text_dir --front_dir='+z'

# adjust training iterations
threefiner if2 --mesh input.glb --prompt 'description' --iters 1000

# explicitly fix the geometry and only refine texture
threefiner if2 --fix-geo --geom_mode mesh --mesh input.glb --prompt 'description' # equals if2_fixgeo

# open a GUI to visualize the training progress (needs a desktop)
threefiner if2 --mesh input.glb --prompt 'description' --gui

Gradio demo:

# requires gradio 4
python gradio_app.py if2

For more examples, please see scripts.



This work is built on many amazing research works and open-source projects, thanks a lot to all the authors for sharing!