


WebBluetooth class

This is just a basic Class to start playing with the new Web Bluetooth API, specifications can change at any time so keep in mind that all of this is mostly experimental! ;)


Check your browser and platform implementation status first.


Services and Characteristics JSON structure.

let services = {
    '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' : { // service ID
    	name : 'Service 1',
    	characteristics : {
    		'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' : { // characteristic ID
    			name : "Characteristic 1"
    		"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" : {
    			name : "Characteristic 2"

let options = {
	filters: [{
		namePrefix: ['DeviceName']
	optionalServices: Object.keys(services) // array automatically generated from the services keys

With this simple command the Web Bluetooth API is called and the device discovery popup will appear.

WebBluetooth.connect( options, services )
.then( ()=>{
	// device is connected
} );

Disconnects the device.

.then( ()=>{
	// device is disconnected
} );

Read a value from a characteristic.

WebBluetooth.readCharacteristicValue( characteristicUuid )
.then( value => {
	// the value has been read
	console.log( value );
} );

Write a value into a characteristic.

WebBluetooth.writeCharacteristicValue( characteristicUuid )
.then( () => {
	// the value has been written
} );

Support or Contact

Francesco Marino - francesco@360fun.net - www.360fun.net

Based on code from https://github.com/WebBluetoothCG/demos