

<div align = "center"> <h1><a href="https://2kabhishek.github.io/tmux2k">tmux2k</a></h1> <a href="https://github.com/2KAbhishek/tmux2k/blob/main/LICENSE"> <img alt="License" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/2kabhishek/tmux2k?style=flat&color=eee&label="> </a> <a href="https://github.com/2KAbhishek/tmux2k/graphs/contributors"> <img alt="People" src="https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/2kabhishek/tmux2k?style=flat&color=ffaaf2&label=People"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/2KAbhishek/tmux2k/stargazers"> <img alt="Stars" src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/2kabhishek/tmux2k?style=flat&color=98c379&label=Stars"></a> <a href="https://github.com/2KAbhishek/tmux2k/network/members"> <img alt="Forks" src="https://img.shields.io/github/forks/2kabhishek/tmux2k?style=flat&color=66a8e0&label=Forks"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/2KAbhishek/tmux2k/watchers"> <img alt="Watches" src="https://img.shields.io/github/watchers/2kabhishek/tmux2k?style=flat&color=f5d08b&label=Watches"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/2KAbhishek/tmux2k/pulse"> <img alt="Last Updated" src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/2kabhishek/tmux2k?style=flat&color=e06c75&label="> </a> <h3>Make tmux powerful and pretty 🥊💅</h3> </div>

tmux2k is a highly customizable framework designed to enhance your tmux status bar, providing you with a sleek and informative interface for your terminal sessions.

✨ Features

🎨 Available Themes:

To use themes:

# use a theme
set -g @tmux2k-theme 'onedark'

# to show icons only
set -g @tmux2k-icons-only true

# to customize duo bg and fg
set -g @tmux2k-duo-fg "#1688f0" # this will get you duo blue shown above
set -g @tmux2k-duo-bg "#000000" # this will set the bg for duo theme

# to set powerline symbols
set -g @tmux2k-right-sep  # alternate right status bar sep
set -g @tmux2k-win-right-sep  # alternate window right sep

# to not show powerline
set -g @tmux2k-show-powerline false

# set start icon, accpets: `session`, 'window`, or any string
set -g @tmux2k-start-icon ""

🖌️ Customize Theme Colors

Available Colors:

To customize theme colors:

set -g @tmux2k-text '#cdcdcd' # change text to white
set -g @tmux2k-bg-main '#ffffff' # change bg to white
set -g @tmux2k-yellow '#f8c800' # change yellow color

You may have to restart tmux for some changes to reflect

🧩 Available Plugins

To use plugins:

# set the left and right plugin sections
set -g @tmux2k-left-plugins "git cpu ram"
set -g @tmux2k-right-plugins "battery network time"

# to set window list alignment (centre by default)
set -g @tmux2k-window-list-alignment 'left'

# to customize plugin colors
set -g @tmux2k-[plugin-name]-colors "[background] [foreground]"
set -g @tmux2k-cpu-colors "red black" # set cpu plugin bg to red, fg to black

# to enable compact window list size
set -g @tmux2k-compact-windows true

# change refresh rate
set -g @tmux2k-refresh-rate 5

# weather scale
set -g @tmux2k-show-fahrenheit false

# 24 hour time
set -g @tmux2k-military-time true

# network interface to watch
set -g @tmux2k-network-name "wlo1"

🪆 Add New Plugins

To add a new plugin, add a script to the scripts folder that prints something to the console.

The plugin name and script file name must match e.g: plugin named foo should have a file called scripts/foo.sh

⚡ Setup

⚙️ Requirements

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

💻 Installation

If you are a tpm user, you can install the theme and keep up to date by adding the following to your .tmux.conf file:

set -g @plugin '2kabhishek/tmux2k'

You can also directly clone the repo to your ~/.tmux/plugins/ folder.

🏗️ What's Next

🧑‍💻 Behind The Code

🌈 Inspiration

I came across dracula/tmux sometime back and I wanted to create a more customizable and easy to expand solution.

💡 Challenges/Learnings

What's next


You tell me!

🧰 Tooling

🔍 More Info

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