

#28.io CLI

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Sign up and create an account at http://hq.28.io/account/register. A video tutorial that shows the 28 cli in action is available here. Getting started instructions are also available here.


Install Node.js and NPM for your system (Mac, Windows or Linux). And install the command line tool using:

$ npm install 28 -g



You can now authorize the client using your email and password. Your password is never stored on the system:

$ 28 login <your email>


$ 28 projects list
$ 28 projects create <project name>
$ 28 project delete <project name>

Download Project

$28 download <project name> [-d, --delete-orphaned] [-o, --overwrite <yes, no, ask, if-newer>] [-s, --simulate]


Upload Project

$28 upload <project name> [-d, --delete-orphaned] [-o, --overwrite <yes, no, ask, if-newer>] [-s, --simulate]


Truncate Project

$28 truncate <project name> [-s, --simulate]


Watch Project

$28 watch <project name>

Code checking

The xqlint commands checks your code for static errors and warning using xqlint.

$28 xqlint <path> [-s, --style-check <yes, no>]


The upload and download commands can be used to synchronize local files with a 28.io project and vice versa. Assume you started a new project called test on 28.io. You would like to download the project files:

$28 download test

If you make local changes to this project, you can upload them back to your 28.io project. In order to make sure that everything is in order, you can use the simulate option that will display the actions to perform without doing them.

$28 upload test --overwrite if-newer --delete-orphaned --simulate

Once you are ready, you can run the same command without the simulate option. You can use the download command to periodically get updates from your 28.io project:

$28 download test --overwrite if-newer --delete-orphaned

Using the CLI on premise

In order to use the 28 CLI against an 28msec instance installed on premise, simply run the following command where /path/to/cellstore/docker-config.json is the path of the cellstore configuration file:

$28 init </path/to/cellstore/docker-config.json>


By default, a setting file named .28.json is created in your home directory. You can override these default settings by creating your own .28.json file in the current working directory. This is how the default settings looks like:

    "access_token": "",
    "refresh_token": "",
    "project_tokens": {},
    "email": "",
    "protocol": "https",
    "project_name": "portal",
    "project_domain": "28.io",
    "ignore": [

Configure auto-complete

Auto-complete is supported for Mac and Linux. You need bash-completion installed. ####Mac OS X On OS X you can run brew install bash-completion if you have homebrew installed. Add bash-completion to your .bash_profile:

if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion

####Linux On Ubuntu you can run apt-get install bash-completion.

To enable it in zsh, run:

echo '. <(28 --completion)' >> .zshrc

To enable it in bash, run:

28 --completion >> ~/28.completion.sh
echo 'source ~/28.completion.sh' >> ~/.bash_profile