

🍺 rust-sadari-cli


rust-sadari-cli is sadari game (ghost leg in another words) based on terminal. Check more info here!

Generally, it is used to do lottery game to find random pairs of two sets.

Rust-sadari-cli draws most parts using tui-rs. Tui-rs is awesome library for making cli tools. (Rust-sadari-cli is also listed in tui-rs' Apps using tui section!)


<img src="./assets/rust_sadari_demo.gif" width="800">

main page

<img src="./assets/rust_sadari_cli_demo_main.png" width="600">

result page

<img src="./assets/rust_sadari_cli_demo_result.png" width="600">

🎴 How to use?

Run with file path!

$ cargo run ./text.txt

In text.txt file... (two lines of texts separated by comma)

Iron man, Spider man, Thanos, Doctor strange, Captim america, Thor
    Soul,       Time, Space,            Mind,        Reality, Power

Just Run! rust-sadari will ask several questions to you!

$ cargo run

It will ask you some inputs like this!

Type list of names separated by comma! ex) name1, name2, name3 ...

	Q,q) Quit

$ type:


For rust users

$ cargo install rust-sadari-cli