

Sekiryu v0.0.2

This Ghidra Toolkit is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline and automate various tasks associated with running Ghidra in Headless mode. This toolkit provides a wide range of scripts that can be executed both inside and alongside Ghidra, enabling users to perform tasks such as Vulnerability Hunting, Pseudo-code Commenting with ChatGPT and Reporting with Data Visualization on the analyzed codebase. It allows user to load and save their own script and interract with the built-in API of the script.

Key Features

Available scripts


Before using this project, make sure you have the following software installed:



In order to use the script you can simply run it against a binary with the options that you want to execute.

Please note that performing a binary analysis with Ghidra (or any other product) is a relatively slow process. Thus, expect the binary analysis to take several minutes depending on the host performance. If you run Sekiryu against a very large application or a large amount of binary files, be prepared to WAIT



The "server.py" is basically built to allow scripts to interract with Ghidra each other and with the host system. 
An User can easily develop their own script, load and saved it in the script folder and use the known functions 
of the API to interract with Ghidra.    

In order to use it the User must import xmlrpc in their script and call the function like for example: proxy.send_data


Use your own scripts

Scripts are saved in the folder /modules/scripts/ you can simply copy your script there. In the ghidra_pilot.py file you can find the following function which is responsible to run a headless ghidra script:

def exec_headless(file, script):
	Execute the headless analysis of ghidra
	path = ghidra_path + 'analyzeHeadless'
	# Setting variables
	tmp_folder = "/tmp/out"
	cmd = ' ' + tmp_folder + ' TMP_DIR -import'+ ' '+ file + ' '+ "-postscript "+ script +" -deleteProject"	

	# Running ghidra with specified file and script
		p = subprocess.run([str(path + cmd)], shell=True, capture_output=True)

	except KeyError as e:

The usage is pretty straight forward, you can create your own script then just add a function in the ghidra_pilot.py such as:

def yourfunction(file):
		# Setting script
		script = "modules/scripts/your_script.py"
		# Start the exec_headless function in a new thread
		thread = threading.Thread(target=exec_headless, args=(file, script))
	except Exception as e:

The file cli.py is responsible for the command-line-interface and allows you to add argument and command associated like this:

analysis_parser.add_argument('[-ShortCMD]', '[--LongCMD]', help="Your Help Message", action="store_true")



The xmlrpc.server module is not secure against maliciously constructed data. If you need to parse 
untrusted or unauthenticated data see XML vulnerabilities.

Special thanks

A lot of people encouraged me to push further on this tool and improve it. Without you all this project wouldn't have been
the same so it's time for a proper shout-out:
- @JeanBedoul @McProustinet @MilCashh @Aspeak @mrjay @Esbee|sandboxescaper @Rosen @Cyb3rops @RussianPanda @Dr4k0nia
- @Inversecos @Vs1m @djinn @corelanc0d3r @ramishaath @chompie1337
Thanks for your feedback, support, encouragement, test, ideas, time and care.

For more information about Bushido Security, please visit our website: https://www.bushido-sec.com/.