

OpenWRT ACI builder

alpha release

Build an App Container image (aci) from the latest development snapshot of OpenWRT.

By default this creates an x86_64 image, but you can edit the URL of the rootfs and arch to use in the Makefile


# download the OpenWRT rootfs

# enter the container (requires systemd-nspawn)
make enter

# build the aci from rootfs
make build


  1. By default /var is linked to /tmp

  2. opkg (the OpenWRT package installer) is working, but requires the /var/lock directory to exist. You can mkdir it yourself, but will be lost on reboot (see gotcha #1)

What can I do with it?

I've created this to experiment with a Python-based aci. Build the rootfs, enter it, and run

opkg update
opkg install python-pip
pip install whatever

then export it with

make build

It can also be used as a minimal layer for any app that requires some kind of basic OS infrastructure (i.e. anything that is not a statically linked binary)