

Dandelion voting <img align="right" src="https://github.com/1Hive/website/blob/master/website/static/img/bee.png" height="80px" />

CircleCI Coverage Status

🐲 Project stage: Rinkeby

Contracts audited at a previous commit. Deployed audited version on APM: v1.1.0

Beware some changes have been made to the contract since this audit. Specifically the contract now implements the TokenManagerHook to enable the use of transferable tokens.

🚨 Security review status: Not audited

The Dandelion Voting app is a fork of the Original Aragon Voting app. It serves the same purpose as the original Voting app but also enables organizations to restrict actions to members who have expressed approval in recent votes. It basically means that by voting yes on a proposal you are committing to a decision in the Org.

The main changes that have been implemented which differ from the original Voting app are:

How does it work?

It has the same funcionality as the regular voting app with some exceptions:

It also acts as an ACL Oracle. ACL Oracles are small helper functions that plug in to Aragon's access control list (ACL) to do more sophisticated permission evaluation. This Oracle is intended to restrict actions to members who have expressed approval in recent votes.

The app keeps track of the latest vote ids users have voted yes on. This way when the Oracle function is queried, it can properly evaluate whether a member can perform a certain action or not within the Organization.

In the context of Dandelion Orgs, the redeem functionality will be guarded by a role set behind this ACL Oracle. This means that whenever a user wants to redeem some tokens, it will first call the ACL Oracle function to check whether s/he can perform the action or not.

Users will be able to redeem tokens if one of this conditions is met:

What's the fallback period ?

The fallback period is intended to ensure users are both locked in for votes they voted yes on, but still have an opportunity to exit before the next vote that they didn't vote yes on gets executed. The idea here is that it gives other members an opportunity to execute the vote before anyone who voted yes on the proposal has the opportunity to exit. It also takes into account the possibility of a vote to fail its execution due to reasons that are outside of the Org's control.


The Dandelion Voting app is initialized with a MiniMeToken _token, uint64 _supportRequiredPct, uint64 _minAcceptQuorumPct, uint64 _durationBlocks, uint64 _bufferBlocks and uint64 _executionDelayBlocks.


The Dandelion Voting app should implement the following roles:


The interface is pretty much the same as the original Voting app with the exception that now you can see when future votes will start (upcoming votes).

How to try Dandelion Voting app immediately


If you would like to see the Dandelion Voting App in action, we recommend the Dandelion Org template available in the Aragon templates directory. Just go to https://mainnet.aragon.org/, then create a new organization, and choose Dandelion from the template options.

How to run the Dandelion Voting app locally

Git clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/1Hive/dandelion-voting-app.git

Navigate into the dandelion-voting-app directory.

cd dandelion-voting-app

Install npm dependencies.

npm i

Deploy a dao with Dandelion Voting app installed on your local environment.

npm run start:template

Aragon DAO Installation

The Dandelion voting app has been published to APM on Mainnet and Rinkeby at dandelion-voting.aragonpm.eth

To deploy to an organization you can use the aragonCLI.

aragon dao install <dao-address> dandelion-voting.aragonpm.eth --app-init-args <token-address> <supportRequiredPct> <minAcceptQuorumPct> <durationBlocks> <bufferBlocks> <executionDelayBlocks>


We welcome community contributions!

Please check out our open Issues to get started.

If you discover something that could potentially impact security, please notify us immediately. The quickest way to reach us is via the #dev channel in our team Keybase chat. Just say hi and that you discovered a potential security vulnerability and we'll DM you to discuss details.