


Xcode plugin to uncrustify code in Xcode.


Tested with Xcode 3.2.6 on OS X 10.6.8.


To uninstall, just remove the plugin from ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins and restart Xcode.

How does it work?

PS: Modifications are recorded in the undo. So undo reverts the modifications.

You can create keyboard shortcuts for the menu items in the Keyboard Preferences of OS X System Preferences.

How to customize the uncrustify configuration?

By default, the plugin uses the configuration file uncrustify.cfg found in the bundle.

Per user configuration

To customize the configuration, copy the file uncrustify.cfg or your own to:

  1. uncrustify.cfg in the same directory of your .xcodeproj file or
  2. ~/.uncrustifyconfig or
  3. ~/uncrustify.cfg

Per project configuration

A configuration file named uncrustify.cfg or .uncrustifyconfig can be defined for a project, a workspace or a Xcode container folder (folder with the yellow icon in the Xcode files navigator).

The lookup of the configuration file is made in this order:

  1. Closest Xcode container folder ancestor.
  2. Closest Xcode project file ('.xcodeproj') folder ancestor.
  3. Closest Xcode workspace file ('.xcworkspace') folder ancestor.


|-- workspace.xcworkspace
|-- uncrustify.cfg
|-- project folder
|---- project.xcodeproj
|---- Third Party Library Folder
|------ uncrustify.cfg
|-- An other project folder
|---- An other project.xcodeproj
|---- uncrustify.cfg

Using UncrustifyX

A more easy way to edit the configuration is to use the Mac appplication UncrustifyX.

Once UncrustifyX is installed, the plugin will add a menu item Open with UncrustifyX to open the actual source code and configuration in UncrustifyX.


After uncrustification, the plugin:


Benoît Bourdon (@benoitsan).


BBUncrustifyPlugin is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.