


A Decentralized Vulnerability Management

##Aim of the Project-Basil To facilitate a decentralized Vulnerability feed management for IT vendors. Thereby creating a common platform for sharing information about vulnerabilities in a transparent manner.

##Problem addressed The Cyber-security is a very complex problem as evolution of technology is mainly by intersection of technologies forming new technologies with different use cases, and any flaw in the basic technology create major havoc across multiple technology sets. Hence disbursement of the information pertaining to the bugs or security flaws becomes important in order to minimize the cost of impact for vulnerabilities.

In Current scenario the issue is handled by creating centralized repositories for mapping vulnerabilities identified in products of vendors. E.g. List like NVD maintained by NIST or Vulnerability database managed by various CERT's or other private Vulnerability feed providers.

##Why decentralize Following are the reasons to decentralize the vulnerability feed management.

##Target Audience

Tools of trade

To decentralization of the vulnerability feed management is done via using a contracts in [Ethereum] (https://www.ethereum.org/) Blockchain and a feed mentioning the updates for corresponding bugs maintained by Vendor for each product relased by him.

##Strucuture of the Dapps


Future work