

Eleventy Benchmark Speed Regression Test

Creates 1000 (Liquid|Nunjucks|Markdown) templates. Runs Eleventy against each template format individually and measures the Median Eleventy Runtime (over 10 runs) and Median Time Spent Per Template.

Can optionally run serially against multiple Eleventy versions, for comparison.

Eleventy features:


$ ./bench.sh

Requires the datamash utility (brew install datamash on Mac OS using homebrew). Uh, and all the prerequisites for Eleventy.

Sample Output

~/Code/eleventy-bench ᐅ ./bench.sh
Eleventy Benchmark (Node v10.14.2, 1000 templates each)
Eleventy 0.5.4
.liquid: .......... 10 runs.
* Median: 1.62 seconds
* Median per template: 1 ms

.njk: .......... 10 runs.
* Median: 2.775 seconds
* Median per template: 2 ms

.md: .......... 10 runs.
* Median: 2.915 seconds
* Median per template: 2 ms

Eleventy 0.6.0
.liquid: .......... 10 runs.
* Median: 1.755 seconds (8%)
* Median per template: 1 ms (0%)

.njk: .......... 10 runs.
* Median: 2.885 seconds (3%)
* Median per template: 2 ms (0%)

.md: .......... 10 runs.
* Median: 2.95 seconds (1%)
* Median per template: 2 ms (0%)

Steps to add additional template type

  1. See make-liquid-files.sh as a template script to generate a bunch of sample files for a template type.
  2. Add the template language key to bench.sh
  3. Add $key/page to the .gitignore file.
  4. Create a layout file in _includes
  5. Create an index page that loops over all items in the collection at $key/