

You are a pentester, and you totally pwn that linux box (desktop, laptop, server, whatever). Now, what? You can read a lot of files, config files, history and so on in order to find something smelly. That could be time consuming, boring, or long. I decided to write a tool to automatize credentials picking on a pwned box.


This tool can help pentesters to quickly dump all credz from known location, such as .bash_history, config files, wordpress credentials, and so on... This is not a hacking tool, just a collection of well-known files with password in them. The password can be in clear, base64 or enciphered form. It's up to the pentester to use them, decode them or change them. This tool can be launch by root or any users, it will autodetect file access and adapt accordingly.



Easy usage:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xmitsurugi/gimmecredz/master/gimmecredz.sh
chmod +x gimmecredz.sh

Or, for the l33t:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xmitsurugi/gimmecredz/master/gimmecredz.sh | bash

Check the start of the script. You can set vars. Currently, you can force to check root-owned files even if you are user (in hope of misconfiguration of the targets). You can also put script in verbose where it show everything, even failures.

Future devs

Screenshots (everybody loves screenshots!)

Awesome tool

Key extraction:

Except for "root access", all files are check. If it's related to /home and if you're root, it will loop for all users.

Root access

Files with credz



More to come:

I want to add databases, tomcat passwords, better .bash_history parsing, and any other file of interest which contains passwords and which can be accessed reliably. If you have any idea/improvement, share it.


You forgot to check this file or this directory

Make a pull request, send me an email, ping me on twitter, I'll add it

Can you change something here or here in the script?

Make a pull request, send me an email, ping me on twitter, I'll add it

Your tool fails to extract a password

Make a pull request, send me an email, ping me on twitter, I'll add it (the more files, the better)

I've found a bug!

Make a pull request, send me an email, ping me on twitter, I'll add it

I love you and I want to marry you

Make a pull request, send me an^W^W^W Wait, WHAT?

Does it have a license?

BeerWare. If you're happy to use it, ping me :)

There is no configure or make?

Dude, this is pure bash

Is it compatible with blockchain?

LMAO!! Nope.

No really?

This is in my roadmap, I'll code it in v42.193.254-patchlevelGoldEdition-EditorFinalCut. Reservation needed, ICO in 3 months, It'll cost only 25k$ for you.

But this look like Lazagne which is a tool designed to extract password?

Yes. and Lazagne is a really great tool. Use it with my blessings. And pupy too. I'm a happy user of both :)

Does P=NP?

I have a beautiful demonstration of this theorem, but it doesn't fit on this margin. this github. this internet.

This is not secure code

We are speaking of pwned system, so what? This is designed for pentesters, and they should know what they do.

I've tested it and now, everybody have seen my password on the screen!

Is your password hunter2?


thanks for Hexpresso for inspirational IRC talk :)