Awesome Blocksec CTFs
A curated list of blockchain security Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions
Online and self-hosted CTFs
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi
- Ethernaut
- Capture the Ether
- EtherHack
- Security Innovation Blockchain CTF
- HACON2020 CTF by RazzorSec
- Damn Vulnerable Crypto Wallet
- NCCGroup GOAT Casino
- Authio Solidity CTF:
- Cryptohunt by p4d
- Impossible by u/eththrowaway4
CTF Announcements and Writeups
Paradigm CTF - 2021
Damn Vulnerable DeFi - 2020
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi Solutions by cmichel
- Write-ups and lessons learned from Damn Vulnerable #DeFi by Damian Rusinek
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Setup and Challenge #1 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #2 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #3 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #4 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #5 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #6 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi — Challenge #7 Walkthrough by iphelix
- Ethernaut Solutions by cmichel - Challenges 0-21
- Ethernaut Writeups by Macmod - Challenges 0-9
- Ethernaut Solutions by tsauvajon - Challenges 1-11
- Ethernaut Solutions by tinchoabbate
- The Ethernaut CTF Writeup by Arseny Reutov - Challenges 0-6
- Ethernaut Lvl 1 Walkthrough: how to abuse the Fallback function by Nicole Zhu
0xPOLAND - 2020
AnChain CTF - 2020
Donjon CTF - 2020
Chain Heist - 2019
Capture the Coin - 2019
- “Capture the Coin” at Defcon and you could win big
- How the Coinbase Security team deployed CTFd to Power our First Capture the Flag contest at Defcon 27
- Congratulations Capture the Coin participants!
- Capture the Coin — Trivia Solutions
- Capture the Coin — Blockchain Category Solutions
- Capture the Coin — Cryptography Category Solutions
EtherHack - 2018
Authio Solidity CTF - 2018
- Solidity CTF - Part 1: "Function Types
- Solidity CTF — Part 2: “Safe Execution”by Alexander Wade
- Solidity CTF — Part 3: “HoneyPot” by Alexander Wade
- Solidity CTF — Part 4: Read the Fine Print by Alex Towle
- Solidity CTF - Part 5: Mirror Madness by Paul Vienhage