


This repo isn't maintained anymore, please use the official SendGrid SDK here!

Little library for using SendGrid's v3 mail API with DotNet Core.

Simple Usage Example

var key = new ApiKeyConnection("SG.api.key");
var client = new SendGridClient(key);
client.MailClient.SendAsync(new Email
    Personalizations = new List<Personalization>
        new Personalization
            To = new List<EmailDetail>
                new EmailDetail
                    Email = "customer@yahoooooo.com",
                    Name = "Customer Name"
    From = new EmailDetail
        Email = "no-reply@company.domain",
        Name = "Company Letter"
    Subject = "sup",
    Content = new List<Content>
        new Content
            Type = "text/html",
            Value = "<h1>yo yo! :)</h1>"