



Collection of scripts and templates to generate Word and Excel documents embedded with the DDE, macro-less command execution technique described by @_staaldraad and @0x5A1F (blog post link in References section below). Intended for use during sanctioned red team engagements and/or phishing campaigns.

Word DDE obfuscation and evasion techniques inspired by @_staaldraad (blog post link in References section below).

NOTE: Be sure to remove personal/identifying information from the documents before hosting and sending to target (e.g., by way of the File --> Inspect Document functionality). This has already been applied to the docs in 'templates', but it's always good practice to confirm.

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage (Excel)

Insert a simple (unobfuscated) DDE command string into the Excel payload document:

python ddeexcel.py

This will generate one Excel document:



By default, the user then has one standard methods of payload delivery, described below:

  1. Customize/Stylize the Excel payload document and send directly to the desired target(s).

Usage (Word)

Insert a simple (unobfuscated) DDE command string into the Word payload document:

python ddeword.py

Insert an obfuscated DDE command string by way of the {QUOTE} field code technique into the Word payload document:

python ddeword.py --obfuscate

NOTE: When leveraging the template doc to link/reference the payload doc (by way of the --obfuscate trigger), do not use the DDEAUTO element in place of the DDE element. This will (1) elicit three sets of prompts to the user and (2) disrupt/corrupt the first set of prompts to display "!Unexpected end of formula" and fail the execution of the DDE command string. For some reason, DDEAUTO does not play well with the updateFields value in word/settings.xml.

Both forms of usage will generate two Word documents:


out/payload-final.docx (not obfuscated)
out/payload-obfuscated-final.docx (obfuscated)


By default, the user then has two standard methods of payload delivery, described below:

  1. Host the payload Word document on a user-controlled server (pointed to by the provided URL). Customize/stylize the template document and send directly to the desired target(s). This will trigger a remote reference to the payload document, ultimately pulling and executing the DDE command string.

  2. Customize/Stylize the Word payload document and send directly to the desired target(s).




Additional Thanks
