

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/0xbitx/DEDSEC-Bluetooth-exploit/assets/74537225/694cbae0-304a-451f-9650-adb5f48d5778" width="60%" height="60%"> </p> <h1 align="center"> DEDSEC BLUETOOTH EXPLOIT </h1>

bt_dedsec is a bluetooth hacking device/tool using (esp32 nodemcu and esp-prog) can perform dos attack on any bluetooth device like bluetooth speaker,smartphone,IoT device, etc. using BRAKTOOTH exploit

Braktooth is a collection of flaws affecting commercial bluetooth stacks on more than 1,400 chipsets used in billions of devices - including smartphones, PCs, toys, speakers, internet of things(Iot) devices and industrial equipment - that rely on bluetooth Classic (BT) for communication


ESP32-devkit v1 nodeMCU                     
Jumper wire female-female (8pcs)                     
Data usb cable                      
Ubuntu 18.04
USB 3.0 port 


Open VMWare and USB 3.0 enabled. We recommend Ubuntu 18.04

  1. git clone https://github.com/0xbitx/DEDSEC-Bluetooth-exploit.git
  2. cd DEDSEC-Bluetooth-exploit
  3. sudo apt install unzip python3-dev
  4. tar -xzvf braktooth.tar.gz
  5. cd braktooth
  6. sudo ./requirements.sh
  7. connect esp32 nodeMCU via usb cable to your pc
  8. sudo esptool.py erase_flash (boot button maintained)
  9. connect the esp32 nodemcu and esp-prog
<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/0xbitx/DEDSEC-Bluetooth-exploit/assets/74537225/e54b081b-eede-4b30-b22a-9510b88a0a15" width="50%" height="50%"> </p>

pinout :

no.	  Esp-prog          Esp32
1.         GND      -       GND
2.	   3.3v       -     3.3v
3.	   TMS      -       gpio14
4.	   TCK      -       gpio13
5.	   TDO      -       gpio15
6.	   TDI      -       gpio12
7. 	   TX       -       TX
8.	   RX       -       RX
  1. connect esp-prog via usb cable to your pc
  2. cd firmware
  3. sudo python3 firmware.py flash /dev/ttyUSB1 (check your esp prog path | command: ls /dev/ttyUSB* )
  4. then hold the BOOT button on (esp32 nodemcu) - dont forget to press RESET button afterwards


sudo ./dedsec_braktooth_cli


datasheet for ESP32 NODEMCU

datasheet for ESP32 PROG

<h1 align="center"> DISCLAIMER </h1> <h4 align="center">I'm not responsible for anything you do with this program, so please only use it for good and educational purposes. </h4>