

Web3 Icons

Web3 Icons

Tokens Networks Wallets NPM Version NPM Version

(previously named token-icons)

Web3 Icons is the most comprehensive and up-to-date source for tokens, coins, networks and wallet logos as icon format. More than 2,500 icons are ready as optimized SVGs as well as React components.

Find the data table of all supported icons here


The Web3 Icons website (https://tokenicons.io) provides a searchable collection of all available icons. You can browse, search, and download icons directly from the website.


We welcome contributions to web3icons! If you'd like to contribute, please refer to our Contributing Guide.

Monorepo structure


To use Web3 Icons in your project, you can install the necessary packages from npm:

npm i @web3icons/core @web3icons/react
yarn add @web3icons/core @web3icons/react
bun i @web3icons/core @web3icons/react

You can install either of the packages based on your project's needs.



@web3icons/react is designed to be tree-shaken, meaning that it only includes the Icon Components that are actually used in your project. This can help reduce the size of your bundle and improve performance.

All of the dynamic components (<TokenIcon />, <NetworkIcon />, <WalletIcon />) also only imports the icons that are used.


There are two main ways to use any icon your project needs in a React environment. You can individually import the components or you can import the dynamic component for each type of the icons.

  1. Using Individual React Components
  2. Using Dynamic Components
    1. <TokenIcon />
    2. <NetworkIcon />
    3. <WalletIcon />

Using Individual Components

All the icons from the React library is prefixed with Token, Network or Wallet

Props Overview

All of the components extend the SVGSVGElement and accepts a size prop as number or string.


List of all the available tokens

Cryptocurrency coins and tokens, the react components are prefixed with Token, followed by uppercase symbol. TokenETH, TokenBTC, TokenGRT


List of all the available networks

Networks and chains, react components are prefixed with Network followed by the PascalCase name of the network. NetworkBinanceSmartChain, NetworkEthereum, NetworkAvalanche


List of all the available wallets

Crypto wallets, react components are prefixed with Wallet followed by the PascalCase name of the wallet. WalletRainbow, WalletMetamask, WalletCoinbase

import {
} from '@web3icons/react'

const App = () => {
  return (
        {/* Token Icons */}
        <TokenBTC size={64} variant="branded" className="my-custom-class" />
        <TokenETH size={64} variant="branded" className="my-custom-class" />
        <TokenGRT size={64} variant="branded" className="my-custom-class" />
        {/* Network Icons */}
        {/* Wallet Icons */}
        <WalletLedger size={64} variant="branded" className="my-custom-class" />
        <WalletSafe size={64} variant="branded" className="my-custom-class" />

export default App

Using Dynamic Components

All of the Dynamic Components are designed to provide ease of use, they accept a various custom props which allows the component to correctly import the desired icon.

Dynamic components are client side components, so they are not compatible with server side rendering.

Shared Props Overview

<TokenIcon />


These properties are used specifically for token icons. You must provide either the symbol prop or both address and network props together.

Example Usage

import { TokenIcon } from '@web3icons/react'

// Renders Ethereum icon in mono variant
<TokenIcon symbol="eth" size={32} color="#000" />

// Renders GRT icon in branded variant
<TokenIcon address="0xc944e90c64b2c07662a292be6244bdf05cda44a7" network="ethereum" size="2rem" />

<NetworkIcon />

<NetworkIcon /> tries to find a match comparing the passed network value with the id or name or shortName from the networks.json


Example Usage

import { NetworkIcon } from '@web3icons/react'

// from networks.json:
// {
// "id": "binance-smart-chain",
// "name": "BNB Smart Chain",
// "shortname": "BSC",
// "nativeCoinId": "binancecoin",
// "variants": ["branded", "mono"]
// }

<NetworkIcon network="bsc" size={32} variant="branded" /> // matches the shortname
<NetworkIcon network="binance-smart-chain" size={32} variant="branded" /> // matches the id
<NetworkIcon network="bnb smart chain" size={32} variant="branded" /> // matches the name

<WalletIcon />

<WalletIcon /> tries to find a match comparing the passed name value with the id or name from the wallets.json

import { WalletIcon } from '@web3icons/react'

// from wallets.json:
// {
// "id": "wallet-connect",
// "name": "Wallet Connect",
// "variants": ["branded", "mono"]
// }

<WalletIcon name="wallet-connect" size={32} variant="branded" /> // matches the id
<WalletIcon name="wallet connect" size={32} variant="branded" /> // matches the name


For projects that don’t use React, icons are also available as *.svg files in the dist/svgs folder. Which contains folders for types (tokens, networks, wallets) and variants (branded and mono) svg icons.

Example file paths:

Importing the individual SVGs

If you need to directly import the SVGs, here is the naming convention that you can use: {type} {variant} {symbol}


The @web3icons/core package also provides comprehensive metadata for each cryptocurrency token in a convenient JSON format, which you can import directly into your project.

If you need the json file, you can import it directly:

import { tokens, networks, wallets } from '@web3icons/core/metadata'

Importing the svgs object

svgs object contains objects for each type

This would import thousands of svgs into your project and would increase the bundle size, it is not recommended for general use.

import { svgs } from '@web3icons/core'

const IconDisplay = () => {
  return (
      <img src={svgs.tokens.brandedETH} alt="Ethereum Branded Token Icon" />
        alt="Ethereum Branded Network Icon"

Dynamic import

const type = 'tokens'
const variant = 'branded'
const iconName = 'BTC'

const svgModule = await import(
const response = await fetch(svgModule.default.src)
const svgContent = await response.text()




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