Ethernaut Solutions
Welcome, anon! Ethernaut is OpenZeppelin's Web3/Solidity based wargame played in the EVM, inspired by, which I look forward to completing sometime in the future lol. Every level is a smart contract that needs to be hacked (for example, taking ownership of the given contract or draining all of its funds). There are 29 levels available at the time of writing.
Many consider Ethernaut to be a good introductory CTF for those interested in smart contract security as the initial levels are fairly straightforward, and all levels can easily be completed in Remix by copying the contract code and deploying it at the provided instance. I am using the Sepolia network to complete this challenge. You can easily get SepoliaETH from a Sepolia PoW Faucet, which you can visit directly or run yourself.
The goal of this repository is to provide clear, easy to follow solutions to each Ethernaut level thereby allowing newcomers, and all others interested, to learn about common vulnerabilities, patterns and security considerations in Solidity.