lager_ybot_backend - is Ybot's backend for Basho Lager logging framework. It allows to receive lager error messages in your favorite messenger in real time. It's build on top of two libraries:
The principle of operation is simple: You have runned Ybot in your machine which sits in some chat rooms. Also you have some erlang project's which logging with lager.
It supports resending error lagers messages to:
- IRC (+ private messages, ssl support)
- XMPP MUC (+single user chat supporting, +private messages supporting, +ssl supporting).
- Campfire.
- Gtalk.
- HipChat.
- Flowdock.
- Skype.
- Talkerapp.
Configuring and usage
Just include ybot backend into your project with rebar:
".*", {git, "", "master"}}
And configure lager:
{lager, [
{handlers, [
{lager_ybot_backend, [
{name, "lager_amqp_backend"},
{level, error},
{ybot_host, "http://localhost"},
{ybot_port, 8080}
After that it will sends error logging message to all chats are running your Ybot.