

Golang License Latest Version Binaries

🔍 subs

<img src = preview.png alt="subs preview" width = "500dp">

A utility to grab valid domains and subdomains from files, split them if they're fused, resolve them and more - straight from the command-line! This is a command-line utility written in Golang as a proof-of-concept for the textsubs package.

Note: This tool only extracts subs from text. It does not extract URLs (there are several methods to do that, such as grep and regular expressions)


⚙️ Building

To build this on your machine, you need to have Golang installed. If you do, simply make build.sh executable and run it like so

chmod +x build.sh

⚙️ Installation

Linux and macOS

Simply run the ./install.sh script (don't have the time to put this on package managers)

chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh

And to uninstall

chmod +x uninstall.sh
sudo ./uninstall.sh

You can also find the binaries in .build/binaries if you want to directly run them without installation

🖊️ Usage

subs [input_file] [flags]



Read a file on disk

❯ subs test.txt

Read all files in a directory

❯ for file in *; subs "$file"

Generate permutations from a wordlist, resolve them and remove duplicates on the way.

❯ wget "https://wordlists-cdn.assetnote.io/data/manual/best-dns-wordlist.txt" -O
best-dns-wordlist.txt        100% [===================================>]  76.65M  2.28MB/s    eta 24s    

❯ awk '{print}' best-dns-wordlist.txt | xargs -n1 | while read line; do echo $line; done | xargs -n1 -I{} bash -c 'for i in $(cat best-dns-wordlist.txt); do for j in $(cat best-dns-wordlist.txt); do if [ "$i" != "$j" ]; then echo "$i.$j"; fi; done; done' >> permutations.txt

# This takes a long, long time.

❯ subs permutations.txt -r -p >> output.txt

# This takes even more time.



Continuously scan certificates on crt.sh for alive subdomains with autoincremented id

❯ id=129341; while true; do wget "https://crt.sh/?q=$id" -O .temp && subs .temp -r -p >> output.txt && rm .temp; id=$((id + 1)); done

Copyright (c) 2024 Owais Shaikh

Licensed under GNU GPL 3.0