

Distributed Nmap Scanner.

The main goal of this project is to provide a wrapper around nmap, and distribute scans across several hosts.

PIP package published at

pip3 url


Demo Video.


% git clone https://github.com/0x4E0x650x6F/dscan.git
% cd dscan
% pip install .
% dscan
[*]\tDistribuited scan
usage: Distributed scanner [-h] --name NAME {srv,agent,config} ...
Distributed scanner: error: the following arguments are required: --name, cmd


% pip uninstall dscan

Generate self-sign certificate.

The following command generates a self sign certificate a private key, and two configuration files agent.conf and dscan.conf with default settings for the agent and for the server.

dscan --name <project-name> config -email mail@dscan.org -cn dscan \
-c pt -l earth -st nrw -o dscan -ou it -days 365
ls -a fubar
- agent.conf	
- certfile.crt	
- dscan.conf	
- keyfile.key

Server output example

The following command starts the server, the --name is the name of the folder where the project files will be stored, this directory should contain the dscan.conf and the certificate private key generated from the previous command, the last argument is a existing file with a list of ip or networks to scan.

%dscan --name project name srv --config dscan.conf targets.txt
    Distributed Scan Status
    ---------	----------------	------------
    N Stages	N  Pending Tasks	Completion %
    ---------	----------------	------------
    4        	0               	0.00%       
    ---------	----------	-----------	------------
    Stage    	N Targets	N Finished	Completion %
    ---------	----------	-----------	------------
    discovery	1         	0          	0.00%       
    ---------------	---------	-----------	------------
    Agent          	Stage    	Task Status	Target Ip   
    ---------------	---------	-----------	------------	discovery	DOWNLOADING

Agent output example

The following starts the agent, the --name is the name of the folder were the work files will be stores should contain a copy of the certificate, and the agent.conf file.

dscan --name <agent-project-name> agent --config <path-to-agent.conf> \ 
-s <server-ip-address> -p <server-port>

Distributed Scan Status

------------	------------------	------
Target      	Nª completed Scans	Status
------------	------------------	------	5                 	100   

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